Making a gift terms and conditions
Business location:
- We are a business located in Australia and registered under Australian law.
Payment currency:
- All transactions are processed in Australian dollars.
Payment options:
- Credit/debit cards: We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express cards via a secure payments system which is linked directly to our bank who will authorise all credit/debit card payments. We can accept cards issued in Australia or overseas.
- Direct debit: Donations can be made by direct debit from your bank account.
How to pay:
- Once you have made your selection you will be guided through the payment process. The method of payment on our web site is by credit card.
- We do not capture or store your credit card details, only the authority from our bank that your credit card payment has been approved.
- If you authorise a recurring donation, your credit card details are stored by our payment processor in accordance with payment card industry standards.
- We issue a printable receipt with a copy of the payment information received from our Bank for each donation. Donations of $2 and more are tax deductible.
Refunds and cancellations:
- Please refer to the Duchesne College Refund Policy